e-OSCE on Zoom with assessment on DOMINOS Moodle_27 February 2024

e-OSCE on Zoom with assessment on DOMINOS Moodle_27 February 2024

od Daniela De Biase -
Število odgovorov: 0

The DOMINOS experience of  e-OSCE sessions on Zoom using our dominos-moodle platform for the communication and the assessment took place on 27th February 2024. The session has seen the active participation of professors and students from Sapienza University of Rome, University of Ljubljana and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and was preceded by meeting to train the trainer to the use of tools in our dominos-moodle platform and the overall structure of the session.

A total of 24 students, the majority of which (95%) enrolled in last year of study, took part in this e-OSCE test. A total of 9  e-OSCE stations, three for each discipline (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy), were performed in parallel, with one Zoom link per virtual room.
Two days before the session, the students enrolled in the relevant course were reached via the mailing of the Moodle platform (“announcements”) and found all the necessary instructions to participate to the e-OSCE via accessing the Zoom links at the indicated times. Students and teachers were also invited to fill questionnaires before and after the activity. The environment of our dominos-moodle platform was smoothly used by the teachers for the assessment and by the  students to access the results and see the comments of the teacher (and also communicate with them, if they wished). The questionnaires were analyzed by the Medical University of Warsaw (WP5) and demonstrated an appreciation of the students for this form of learning (70%) that they would also recommend to their colleagues in preparation to the exam (79%).

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