DOMINOS at Ars Docendi (Krakow, Poland, 25-26 September 2023)

DOMINOS at Ars Docendi (Krakow, Poland, 25-26 September 2023)

by Fabrizio De Lorenzo -
Number of replies: 0

The idea of the Ars Docendi conference, organised by the Jagiellonian University, focuses on all aspects of academic didactics in its broadest sense.
During this year's conference, on September 25, in a panel on the exchange of examples of good practice, the development of competences of the future, the digitalisation of education and the challenges associated with it (remote education, collaboration in virtual teams, the use of AI), Monika Franczak-Rogowska presented the DOMINOS Project and the opportunities offered by the use of its results (the lecture was also streamed online). The presentation generated a lot of interest among conference participants.

Link to conference materials:
DOMINOS at Ars Docendi