DOMINOS at the ADEE (La Palma, Spain, 22-26 August, 2022 and Liverpool, England, 22-26 August 2023)

DOMINOS at the ADEE (La Palma, Spain, 22-26 August, 2022 and Liverpool, England, 22-26 August 2023)

by Fabrizio De Lorenzo -
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The annual meeting of the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) is the more important event about education in dentistry.
Katleen Vandamme presented the DOMINOS project twice at the ADEE in August 2022 and August 2023.
All the dentists involved in the project co-authored the abstracts and presentations.
In 2022, the genesis and objectives of the project were outlined.
In 2023, our main achievements (progress in building the library, number of serious games implemented, first test sessions) were presented.
The ADEE is the ideal place to disseminate the project in the world of dental education, among all the universities in Europe, and to find future partners.

Link to the ADEE 2022 programme:

Link to the ADEE 2023 programme:

Dominos at the ADEE